COORDINATE Harmonisation Workshop 1 – Harmonising survey data on child wellbeing
This workshop consists of three parts. Haridhan Goswami from the University of Manchester gives a brief introduction to the scientific research of child wellbeing and explains why data harmonisation is useful for this kind of research. Insa Bechert from the GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences then discusses different harmonisation strategies and explains their advantages and disadvantages. Finally, Scott Milligan (also GESIS) introduces the variable database created as part of the COORDINATE project, as well as the Harmonisation Toolbox, a set of R scripts that cover the data harmonization process for selected variables measuring child well-being.
COORDINATE Harmonisation Workshop 2 – Hands-on data
In this workshop, Scott Milligan, from the GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, leads the participants through a complete data harmonisation exercise based on an R script that appears like those offered in the Harmonisation Toolbox (see COORDINATE Harmonisation Workshop 1). The exercise demonstrates the harmonisation process using an extended example examining the correlation between bullying and children's happiness based on a set of simulated data sets. The data sets and the associated R code can be downloaded so that the participants can follow along.
Webinar From insight to impact: embracing child-centred approach in research with children
28th February | online via Zoom
Online webinar held on 28 February 2024 was devoted to presenting and discussing the use of child-centred approach in the research.
2023 Lecture on Methodological and Analytical Aspects of Longitudinal Research
17th November | online via Zoom
The lecture includes an introductory overview of the challenges that typically occur when theorizing, designing, and conducting longitudinal studies. Methodological challenges were described using examples and recommendations based on previous experience in designing and conducting longitudinal studies among adolescents. The lecture concludes with brief guidelines for choosing a method for analyzing longitudinal data.
2023 COORDINATE statistical course: Modeling change: A gentle introduction to cross-lagged and latent growth curve approach
26th - 27th September | Zagreb, Croatia
The statistical course aims to provide practical knowledge on analysing longitudinal data, focusing on: longitudinal structural equation modelling, cross-lagged mediation analysis, unconditional and conditional latent growth curve analysis.
2023 Research data management when working with children and youth
Mon, 27th - Tue, 28th March | Ljubljana, Slovenia
Training on how to write a DMP properly and how to conduct the research process in the spirit of the FAIR principles was provided aiming to empower social science researchers working in the field of children and youth. ​
2022 COORDINATE Summer School Day 5:
Survey data and longitudinal analysis: Sample design and estimation
2022 COORDINATE Summer School Day 4:
Structural Equation Models
2022 COORDINATE Summer School Day 3:
Estimating models with binary dependent variables
Institute for Social and Economic Research
University of Essex
June 22, 2022
2022 COORDINATE Summer School Day 2:
Linear Panel Data Methods
2022 COORDINATE Summer School Day 1:
Introduction to Understanding Society
Tuesday, 24th - Wed, 25th May | Zagreb, Croatia
Institute for Social and Economic Research
University of Essex
June 20, 2022
3rd Transnational Access Visits Pitch
– presenting Manchester Metropolitan University, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute, University of Essex and Centerdata.
Wednesday, 31st Aug | Zoom
COORDINATE project partners describe their home institutions, resources, and datasets to potential applicants of the transnational access visit programme.
Basics of the R programming language course
Tuesday, 24th - Wed, 25th May | Zagreb, Croatia
The aim of the statistical course is to familiarize participants with the basics of the open source programming language R and to teach data wrangling and data visualization using the R language and software packages from its ecosystem.
2nd Transnational Access Visits Pitch –
presenting Centerdata, INED and University of Essex
Wednesday, 2nd February 2022 | Zoom
COORDINATE project partners describe their home institutions, resources, and datasets to potential applicants of the transnational access visit programme.
1st Transnational Access Visits Pitch
– presenting European Centre, IPSOS and University College Dublin
Wednesday, 26 January 2022 | Zoom
COORDINATE project partners describe their home institutions, resources, and datasets to potential applicants of the transnational access visit programme.
Methodological and Analytical Aspects of Longitudinal Research
Wednesday, 26 January 2022 | Zoom
COORDINATE project partners describe their home institutions, resources, and datasets to potential applicants of the transnational access visit programme.