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Research data management when working with children and youth - updated programme

Sonja Bezjak, Irena Vipavc Brvar

Updated: Jan 17, 2024

27 - 28 March 2023, City Hotel Ljubljana, Slovenia

The European Commission and many other research funders require researchers to prepare a data management plan (DMP). A DMP helps you plan the resources and expertise required to manage - collect, document, protect, store and share - the data that are expected to be collected. It has become a mandatory part of the project documentation. In order to empower researchers, training on how to write a DMP properly and how to conduct the research process in the spirit of the FAIR principles is being provided.

The workshop is organised in the framework of the COORDINATE project, which focuses on the management of data on children and young people. A workshop on data management planning - using CESSDA's online Data Management Expert Guide (DMEG) - will be held, with a particular focus on the challenges of working with secondary and longitudinal data. Due to the specificity of the population of the datasets analysed, ethical and legal issues need to be highlighted. The workshop for researchers will cover several aspects of managing sensitive data.

The content of the workshop

The workshop is based on the online Data Management Expert Guide, designed for social science researchers and students and will cover the following concepts:

  • research data management planning,

  • data discovery,

  • secondary data,

  • longitudinal data,

  • sensitive data,

  • protection of personal data,

  • ethics and legislation on personal data,

  • the consent of the study participants,

  • anonymisation of data (quantitative and qualitative),

  • copyright and

  • different data access modes.

Target audience

Researchers and doctoral students in social sciences and humanities, researchers from NGOs.

The goals of the workshop

Participants will:

  • learn about research data lifecycle and about data management planning,

  • learn where to search and find relevant social science research data

  • understand the advantages of using secondary data,

  • understand the challenges of using longitudinal data,

  • understand their legal and ethical commitments towards research participants,

  • understand the importance of data protection,

  • understand how to use appropriate methods (participants' consent, anonymization, and access control) to share sensitive information,

  • understand the challenges when working with data on children and youth,

  • learn how to write their own DMP.

Preliminary programme

Day 1: March 27, 2023

09:00 – 13:00 SESSION 1 (including coffee break)

13:00 – 14:00 LUNCH

14:00 – 17:00 SESSION 2 (including coffee break)

19:00 – DINNER

Day 2: March 28, 2023

09:00 – 12:30 SESSION 3 (including coffee break)

12:30 – 13:30 LUNCH

For a detailed programme, follow this link

Required knowledge and tools

  • Experience in the research process is desirable (data collection, documentation, analysis, sharing, and data publication).

  • Get familiar with the content of the online textbook CESSDA Data Management Expert Guide, in particular with the chapters “Plan” and “Protect”.

  • We recommend you bring your laptop since we will conduct practical exercises.


To be eligible for participation in this course, applicants have to meet the following criteria:

  • The applicant must have a contract or affiliation with a recognized academic or public institution, or a not-for-profit organization registered in an EU member state or in an associated country.

  • Researchers from COORDINATE partner institutions who are not involved in the COORDINATE project are eligible to apply. However, as the objective of the project is to widen the network of researchers using child well-being data, only a limited number of places will be awarded to applicants from COORDINATE partner institutions.

  • PhD students are eligible to apply, however, master and bachelor students are not eligible.

  • A total of 30 researchers will be selected.

Application form

Applications are now closed and workshop participants have been selected.

Selection procedure

Priority will be given to early career researchers interested in working with data on child wellbeing. We will aim for participants from various countries.

The applications will be reviewed by a five-member committee, which will score each application based on the information provided.

Applicants will be notified about the decision on February 20th, 2023.


There are a limited number of bursaries available that will cover travel (up to 300 € will be reimbursed) and sleeping accommodation (bed and breakfast) for 2 nights.


In case of questions, please e-mail

Coordinate Workshop for researchers is organized by Slovenian Social Science Data Archives, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, within the COhort cOmmunity Research and Development Infrastructure Network for Access Throughout Europe project.

Click here for the PDF of the programme.


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