How to use ...
... the Variable Database
This database provides an overview of the available core variables related to youth and child wellbeing measures. It should be viewed as an entry point for research on this topic.
More detailed information on the variables, including detailed response categories and original variable names can be found in this Excel file.
For the most detailed level of information, the original survey documentation should be consulted. To simplify the search, the survey names are highlighted with links to surveys’ documentation entry pages if possible.
… the Harmonisation Toolbox
Harmonisation can be a useful method for researchers who wish to compile similar measures collected by separate studies. In the harmonisation toolbox, we provide instructions for retrospective (ex-post) harmonisation of existing data sources in a selection of core child wellbeing measures.
To cite the Excel database, we recommend the following citation: Milligan, Scott and Insa Bechert (2022): COORDINATE Child Wellbeing Variable Database. Retrieved from Accessed [date of download].
To cite the harmonisation instructions on the following webpages we recommend the following citation: Milligan, Scott and Insa Bechert (2023): COORDINATE Child Wellbeing Harmonision Toolbox. Retrieved from Accessed [date of download].
Please ensure that all information related to the original data and documentation sources are cited. The correct citations are available on the respective survey programme webpages.